

Trisha was excited that her boyfriend wanted to learn how to ride horses and share in her sport. When he fell off a month before regionals, everything changed. Now, Trisha needs to decide if she’s okay pursuing her equestrian passion solo, and let her work at 2 Hearts Rescue South be fulfilling, or if she needs a partner who loves riding as much as she does.

Jacob thought they were doing okay, each pursuing their own sport. He’s a gymnast, one with an Olympic hope. But once he gets a taste of riding, he knows he wants more. The question is to balance his professional aspirations with his personal one, and make sure that Trisha knows, she’s the woman he wants–forever. No training required.


Trainable by Mary Winter
2 Hearts Rescue Book 3
contemporary erotic romance short story

Trisha was excited that her boyfriend wanted to learn how to ride horses and share in her sport. When he fell off a month before regionals, everything changed. Now, Trisha needs to decide if she’s okay pursuing her equestrian passion solo, and let her work at 2 Hearts Rescue South be fulfilling, or if she needs a partner who loves riding as much as she does.

Jacob thought they were doing okay, each pursuing their own sport. He’s a gymnast, one with an Olympic hope. But once he gets a taste of riding, he knows he wants more. The question is to balance his professional aspirations with his personal one, and make sure that Trisha knows, she’s the woman he wants–forever. No training required.


For being a former gymnast, Jacob Carter certainly could have used better balance. Trisha Walters watched him sit on the old school horse Erin had rescued just a few weeks ago, holding the lunge line while the horse trotted in a large circle around her. He’d claimed to have ridden horses as a kid. Maybe at some trail riding places where all the horses could walk the trail in their sleep. She hadn’t even taken his stirrups away, and in the English saddle, he sloshed all over the place. She slowed the horse to a walk, who lowered his head and snorted, obviously appreciating the change in pace.

She knew Jacob had moves. On the dance floor, in bed…he had all the moves. They must not have translated to horseback, and since his desire in understanding her work better, and possibly taking a trail ride with her and Izzy, she’d agreed to undertake his lessons. Sadie, the dark brown thoroughbred with a “been there, done that, and oh so tired of it all” attitude had proved her worth even more than letting Jacob try and find his balance on her back.

“This is harder than I thought it would be. The pommel horse doesn’t move underneath you. It just feels like it does sometimes.” He released the neck strap and flexed his biceps.

Trisha laughed. She didn’t want to, tried to be all scowly and teacher-like. She just couldn’t manage and laughter bubbled up from her.

Sadie, apparently having too much of this, gave a silly shuffle step, just enough to throw Jacob off balance. He hit the dirt with a soft thud.

“Whoa.” Trisha ordered. Sadie stopped immediately, then shook herself all over, as if to be sure she’d gotten rid of her troublesome rider. “You okay?” she asked Jacob as the gathered up the lunge line and led Sadie over to him.

By the time she reached him Jacob was on his feet, brushing dust off the backside of his jeans. “Just my pride. I don’t get how you do it. You make it look so easy.”

“Years of practice. You sure you’re okay?” She eyed the way he stood with his weight shifted, wondering if he’d twisted an ankle or something.

“Just fine.” He shifted his weight as if to prove a point. “Might have a couple of bruises, but honestly, Trisha, I’ve gotten worse in the gym.”

“Okay. If you’re sure then. Let’s let this old girl get some rest and we’ll try again later.”

He nodded, helping her put Sadie in the cross-ties, untacking her, and then turning her back out to pasture, where she promptly rolled, then meandered off to eat from the round bale of hay. He remained quiet while they put everything away in the tack room and washed up in the bathroom. “Ready to go home?” she asked.

He nodded.

“Hey.” She reached for his hand and tangled those fingers together. Lifting his hand, she brushed a kiss across the back of his knuckles. Those hands were so talented, wrung so much pleasure from her body. She hated seeing him down in the dumps like this. “It’s okay. Everyone falls. I took a tumble last week. It happens.”

“I suppose so. I just thought since I did other sports…” He dropped her hand. “I’ll get over it. Don’t worry, and I’m sure some burgers from Fantastic Fred’s will help.” He kissed her cheek.

There was the boyfriend she loved, almost as much as she loved the food at Fantastic Fred’s Burgers, a restaurant close to campus. “Sounds great.”

They grabbed take out on the way back to their apartment and ate in silence. The crumpled wrappers were thrown away and coffee table cleaned up, when Trisha grabbed Jacob’s hand and pulled him to his feet. “Why don’t we check out those bruises? I want to make sure you’re not hurt more than you say you are.” Plus, she wanted an excuse to get her boyfriend naked.

They walked down the short hall to their bedroom. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it into the hamper. Trisha made a show of walking around him, checking him out for bruises. In truth, she was loving admiring his lean, muscled torso, the defined abs and obliques, the way his back was muscled. When she finished circling him and stood before him, she gestured to his pants. “I don’t see anything.”

Jacob grinned. “And you’re going to see anything either. I’ve already checked, but if you want me to drop my pants?”


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